
location: Denver, CO

size: 165,000 SF

scope: Environmental graphics + Art + Signage + Wayfinding + Brand Integration

Project description

We developed a comprehensive multi-level experiential design package for global asset management company, Janus Henderson. Their Denver office refresh focused on acknowledging Colorado’s natural beauty and outdoor activities, bringing more light and energy into their space, and creating areas for employees to gather and celebrate like The Summit.

Project insights

We crafted a Colorado 14’er wall comprised of wood slats and magnetic steel panels that doubles as a custom display for employees. Each year, the local Janus Henderson team participates in a 14er hiking challenge; this wall allows each team to share their mountain summit victories.

Jamie’s project pride

Creating the custom elevation marker for The Summit space was a fun challenge. The piece is crafted from a custom spun metal shield that has been chemically etched and anodized for a beautiful finish. The halo lighting creates a beautiful glow fit for the celebratory space.